Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Whiskers of Wondercon 2012

As a steely eyed Con veteran, I've seen many a strange costume and read many an odd comic.  And most of the pictorial efforts that you'll see dredged up from peoples lack of creativity usually consists of hot girls in assless costumes, or dozens of semi candid shots of celebrities who just wish that the GWC (Guy With Camera) would just fuck off. 

This year I decided to look at Wondercon through a different set of eyes.  The eyes of the beard.  It's the new bicep you know.  After all, a person can take a costume on and off, but facial hair is a commitment of time and effort that rides underneath your nose long after all of the comics have done been sold and all of the grease paint has gone down the drain of your hotel shower.

And so, I present:  The Whiskers of Wondercon 2012!

Stay fuzzy my friends,and remember men don't grow facial hair,facial hair grows men.

-Terrier One


  1. LOL! Great collection...
    Hope you don't mind, it reminds me of this:

